My January favorites video is taking forever to upload!!!! So I thought I would
start the blog post... My goal is to make a favorites video for every month this
year. January seemed to go by kind of slow but I think it was because I didn't
do a December favorites so December and January seemed... connected to me. This
month brought many things, including a new puppy for my family! In my favorites,
I included many drugstore products that are easy to find at your
local Walgreens, CVS, or any local store. So I hope that this video was
helpfully for you all! When it is uploaded, I'll put a link down below! Thanks for reading!

As you may know, I am quite the nail polish addict and am changing my nails at least once every one or two weeks. SO it just felt appropriate to make a nail polish collection and storage video! It is LIVE right now on Madle Fashions! So if you love nail polish as much as I do, click the following link to go to the video and subscribe while you're there! Thanks for all of your support guys! I'm getting back on track with my videos again!


Hey everyone! So I was on a super nice schedule about uploading a new video every other day with a matching blog post and that completely fell through the roof! Kaput... I'm going to try my best to get back on track but that's going to be a little hard because... WE ARE GETTING A PUPPY!!! We are getting her TODAY! It worked out pretty good because we have a snow day so... We have another dog so I really need to help out with the youngin' now too! But I know that I have at least one video filmed that I just need to edit and upload! Okay! So below I will have a mini schedule that I will be (trying) to follow. I hope it works out for me... Fingers crossed!

I will be uploading:
A matching blog post

Each week I will try to do a fashion video, beauty video, and random video such as a tag.

I think that concludes this blog post! Thanks for reading!
XoXo- Maddie